THE B.E.S.T. - The BE Empowered Society of Today! @ JADAJORDAN.COM

Declaration of Truth and Liberty!
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Our International list of  demands

In accordance with the freedom fighters in our lineage.  We continue in the greatness of our forefathers upholding and making freedom.  As we demanded in peace liberty and equality through the efforts of the late Reverend Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr.,  which resulted in the Civil Rights Act of 1964,  we demand respect by all within our communites and with out.  This list of demands for the humane treatement of our great people, the mighty nation known as the African-American will be issued to local governments, national governments and to the United Nations.  We shall keep the torch lit!  In the words of James Weldon Johnson in the last lines of the Negro National Anthem - "Let us march on till victory is won!"

DEMAND #1 - Clarification on protection of the black race, freedom, human treatment in the laws governing it.

    • For example: Since our people have died and labored for such laws as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we need a clear delineation. Instead of having those laws read such terms as: all races, all ethnicities, minorities and the like. It should and must clarify that we the African-American, Negro or Black is named in those laws separately. Why?
    • Because the African-American race is the only race in the United States that cannot claim to be white. For example: White Hispanics and Native Americans who no longer claim a tribal affiliation can claim to be white and so it is for Arabs and so on and so forth.
      • This is important because it is well known that through advertising and propaganda that whites are universally thought of as superior and entitled to special privileges and benefits.
    • Because African-Americans are co-founders of this county and not mere eunuchs or yes men. As we walk together in unity with others we need to be assured that we are safeguarded against being manipulated and hoodwinked behind our backs. As we have in the past and still today. Some of our own children think that we are supposed to stand in a line and wait for handouts. Real men (or free men) push for the Bourgeois - the working middle class, the business owners. And of course to be rich in monetary wealth.
  • Which brings us to

  • DEMAND #2 - Defined property lines and land ownership for the African-American. Why?

    • Because we were promised 40 acres of land and a mule at the ending of slavery. Did we get it?
    • Because other groups of organized crime have used their government connections to cheat us out of jobs, land and education. While we sit around like everything is "honky-dory".
    • Because the truth of the matter is that many African-Americans settle on degrading themselves to achieve and receive things that we are entitled to as naturalized United States Citizens.
    • Because many of us descend from landowners. And we have somehow fallen for being on subsidized housing for life. (Or forced into it). Or worse yet forced into homeless for life!

    Realization of the fact that the homelessness issue in America is a racial issue. Truth being whoever dominates in the land game dominates period. Location equals money and therefore power.

  • DEMAND #3 - Removal of terrorist groups on domestic soil.

    • Because African-Americans have been dispatched to fight for the freedom on Jews in Germany, Vietnam from the Vietcong, and for freedom for middle easterners in Iraq from tyranny. While all along on the home front we have terrorist working against us in our own government, schools and communities. This is a call for the same federal government that assists others abroad to assist us.

    • Because we have always been prone to this subtle genocide through poor medical treatment, housing, and natural resources.

  • In essence we are demanding the enforcement of terrorist and treason laws already established. Because again African Americans are true naturalized citizens.

DEMAND #4 - All media broadcasting stations both radio and television must issue Public Service Announcements about the humane and fair treatment of African-Americans and their true contributions to Civil Rights in the United States of American.

  • Along with that the truth about wars of the past on domestic soil. Why?
    • Because we have been victimized by others who feel that they are entitled to this land more than we. However that victimization is called terrorism and treason. It is also misplaced. For example Hispanics need to understand that their beef is with Spain. The United States with the help of African-American citizens secured the west for protection from other European governments in times past.

Government funding to build our own broadcasting networks.

DEMAND #5 - Official legal declaration of the African-American Nation or the Native Black American.

  • This right including: establishment of our own hierchy of government within the United States. Similar to that of the Cherokee Nation, and Seminole Nation, and etc. Why?
    • To better educate ourselves and to better mold ourselves into good citizens. The traditional motto is: It takes a community to raise a child.
    • This is by no means a move back towards segregation. We promote integration. But....
    • And by this we shall better govern ourselves and better protect ourselves. We have an American right to defend ourselves. We have been left open for attacks. Americans have suffered a turn backwards. Our families are being torn apart and imprisoned like slavery.
    • Therefore we are in need of another Reconstruction Period. Just like after the Civil War. (But this time making sure we receive all of the items that we worked for).
    • To ensure that we participate fairly in business, economics and trade.

To ensure that we are able to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

DEMAND #6 - Religious reform.  The removal of religious practices and organizations that violate the rights and liberties of others.
  • Remembering that all people are entitled to freedom of speach.
  • But removing cultic organizations by exposing their dangers and hidden agendas.  And expecting the same from well known organizations.


  • For the safety of our children and those who are easily impressionable.
  • For establishing order.
  • For the establishment of a mentally healthy society.
  • Types of known dangers from cults:  kidnapping, mind control, theft, murder, conspiracy, race superiority, invasion of privacy and a host of other criminal acts that violate the laws of the land and challenge the sanity of humanity.

  • Acknowledgement of an aparthied like government being practiced in the U.S.A
  • Acknowledging that other groups are the cause of gang violence terrorism. i.e. Italians, Polish, Irish and etc.
  • Because in the LA area it is a know fact that African-American families were terrorized and forced into gangs.  Police neglted to respond to those agonizing pleas for help.
    • Recently a local newspaper reported that over 80 percent of the women in downtown Los Angeles "Skid Row" area have had their children taken from them.  Most of whom are black. They are referred to that area when in need of emergency housing.
    • Why is L.A. punishing women for the way its government runs the city.
    •  I myself have been a victim of the organized crime/cultic violence while California and Florida.  I have pleaded for help at the local police station, mayors office, and govenors office. After pleading for help for myself and my children they threw me in jail and put my children in the system (click see article for more details).  They see those that are seeking for help as easy prey. 
    • What happened to me is atypical.
  • It is also a known fact that the entire nation was rocked with riots by the African-Americans following the Rodney King incident.  After African-American leaders met with government officals it was determined that monies would be poured into African-American communites around the country to aleviate oppression.  How much of the money is being used by African-Americans and not just minorities.

DEMAND #8 - Reforms in Education.

  • In recent decades we have gone through classifications to better the education process. However after entering the work force. It appears that yet and still that many times African-Americans are overqualified.

  • Enforcing social services codes on hiring practices. Persons who are socially dysfunctional do not have jobs giving them authority or serious decision making duties over clients. And doing the same in government employees.


  • Making sure preschool teachers as well as all persons who work with students are mentally stable.


  • Because it is ruining our country. People are lacking purpose and behaving barbarically doing what they feel as opposed to using their intellect.
  • Employers appear to be hiring people who are easy to manipulate and control for the purpose of performing malicious acts that most others would not be able to do with out their conscious bothering them.  Maliciousness is still against the law.

It hinders our society from perfecting and continuing in the way of civility. Riding our society of social ills.

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"Let our technological wit be matched by our mental and emotional maturity as individuals and as a society." - Minister Jada Inez Jordan Melvin